So if you are interested in Transition Pack 2, you'll need to actually pick that up.

Down here for the other pack, everything is a demo. This means that they're non-watermarked, so you can actually use these four transitions. You'll note here that several of the transitions will continue to be free as you do the demo. One of the reasons I recommend downloading these is that if you pull down the trial, you still get some actual transitions that continue to work. These packs offer some great high-quality transitions, but they're relatively small packs. Filmimpact offers two different transition packs, although they may have more in the future. I wanted to make sure that you had access to effects on all platforms. Each of these is cross-platform, which was an important decision when I selected them. While there are many third partY manufacturers out there, I've chosen five to feature that offer transitions available for Premiere Pro.